Speech and Vision Lab

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# Title Authors Year Journal's impact factor
Results 526 - 550 of 575
1 Combining evidence from different classifiers for text-dependent speaker verification M. Mathew 1999 --
2 Edge detection in textured images G. Pavan Kumar 1998 --
3 Significance of image representation for face recognition Anil Kumar Sao 2003 --
4 Transformation of vocal tract characteristics for voice conversion using artificial neural networks M. Narendranath 1995 --
5 Significance of source features for speaker recognition S. Cheedella Gupta 2003 --
6 Significance of durational knowledge for a text-to-speech system in an Indian language S.R. Rajesh Kumar 1990 --
7 Object recognition from degraded images using neural networks A. Ravichandran 1993 --
8 Neural network architectures for preattentive visual processing A. Arulvalan 1993 --
9 Speaker verification using auto-associative neural network models Kishore S. Prahallad 2000 --
10 Studies on a class of information recovery problems S. Tanveer Fathima 1987 --
11 Coarticulation knowledge for a text-to-speech system for an Indian language V.R Ramachandran 1993 --
12 Algorithm for image reconstruction from quantized phase Pramod Saini 1989 --
13 Computer drafting of hand-drawn line sketches Shriram Revankar 1987 --
14 Multi-lingual screen reader and processing of font-data in Indian languages Anand Arokia Raj 2008 --
15 Modeling pronunciation variation for speech recongnition Gopala Krishna Anumachipalli 2008 --
16 Application of single frequency filtering for speech and speaker-specific tasks Vishala Pannala 2021 --
17 Acoustic characterization of glottal stop and glottalized sounds in Amharic using nonspectral methods of speech analysis Hussien Seid Worku 2011 --
18 Significance of processing regions of high signal-to-noise ratio in speech signals Guruprasad S. 2011 --
19 Signal processing for excitation-based analysis of acoustic events in speech Dhananjaya N. 2011 --
20 Representation of edge-like information in images with application for face recognition Anil Kumar Sao 2010 --
21 Some Issues in Processing Short Segments of Speech Signals K. V. Madhumurthy 1991 --
22 Processing throat microphone speech A. Shahina 2008 --
23 A Rule-based Approach for Spotting Characters from Continuous Speech in Indian Languages P. Eswar 1991 --
24 Intonation Knowledge for Speech Systems for an Indian Language A. S. Madhukumar 1993 --
25 Signal Processing for Recognition of Isolated Utterences of Speech Units R. Sundar 1994 --