Speech and Vision Lab

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Comparative study of nonlinear time warping techniques in isolated word speech recognition systems
Research Area: Uncategorized Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Article  
Authors: A. Waibel, B. Yegnanarayana  
In this paper, the effects of two major design choices on the performance of an isolated word speech recognition system are examined in detail. They are: 1) the choice of a warping algorithm among the Itakura asymmetric, the Sakoe and Chiba symmetric, and the Sakoe and Chiba asymmetric, and 2) the size of the warping window to reduce computation time. Two vocabularies were used: the digits (zero, one,..., nine) and a highly confusable subset of the alphabet (b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v, z). The Itakura asymmetric warping algorithm appears to be slightly better than the other two for the confusable vocabulary. We discuss the reasons why the performance of the algorithms is vocabulary dependent. Finally, for the data used in our experiments, a warping window of about 100 ms appears to be optimal.
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