- Vishala Pannala and B. Yegnanarayana, "A neural network approach for speech activity detection for Apollo corpus", 2021. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Narayana Murty, JV Satyanarayana, Vishala Pannala and Nivedita Chennupati, "Robustness and Accuracy of Time Delay Estimation in a Live Room", 2021. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Anand Joseph Xavier M. and Vishala Pannala, "Enhancing formant information in spectrographic display of speech", 2020. [More]
- P. Gangamohan, Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri and B. Yegnanarayana. "Analysis of Emotional Speech - A Review". 2016. [More]
- Ravi Shankar Prasad and B. Yegnanarayana, "Determination of glottal open regions by exploiting changes in the vocal tract system characteristics", 2016. [More]
- Vishala Pannala, Aneeja G., Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri and B. Yegnanarayana, "Robust Estimation of Fundamental Frequency using Single Frequency Filtering Approach", 2016. [More]
- Ravi Shankar Prasad and B. Yegnanarayana, "Robust pitch estimation in noisy speech using ZTW and group delay function", 2015. [More]
- Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of singing voice for epoch extraction using zero frequency filtering method", 2015. [More]
- Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri, P. Gangamohan, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of Excitation Source Features of Speech for Emotion Recognition", 2015. [More]
- Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Significance of aperiodicity in the pitch perception of expressive voices", 2014. [More]
- Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Study of changes in glottal vibration characteristics during laughter", 2014. [More]
- Basil George, Abhijeet Saxena, Gautam Varma Mantena, Kishore S. Prahallad and B. Yegnanarayana, "Unsupervised query-by-example spoken term detection using bag of acoustic words and non-segmental dynamic time warpingl", 2014. [More]
- P. Gangamohan, Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Excitation source features for discrimination of anger and happy emotions", 2014. [More]
- Gomathi Ramya, P. Gangamohan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Understanding the significance of different components of mimicry speech", 2014. [More]
- Sri Harsha Dumpala, Karthik Venkat, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of laughter and speech-laugh signals using excitation source information", 2014. [More]
- Aneeja G. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speech detection in transient noises", 2014. [More]
- Basil George and B. Yegnanarayana, "Unsupervised query-by-example spoken term detection using segment-based bag of acoustic words", 2014. [More]
- Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri, P. Gangamohan, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of Cognitive Loaded Speech using Excitation Source Features", 2014. [More]
- Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri, P. Gangamohan, Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Naturalistic Audio-Visual Emotion Database", 2014. [More]
- Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri, P. Gangamohan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Discriminating Neutral and Emotional Speech using Neural Networks", 2014. [More]
- Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "An automatic shout detection system using speech production features", 2014. [More]
- Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of production characteristics of laughter", 2014. [More]
- Vinay Kumar Mittal, B. Yegnanarayana and Peri Bhaskararao, "Study of the effects of vocal tract constriction on glottal vibration", 2014. [More]
- Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Effect of glottal dynamics in the production of shouted speech", 2013. [More]
- P. Gangamohan, Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of emotional speech at subsegmental level", 2013. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Dhananjaya N, "Spectro-temporal analysis of speech signals using zero-time windowing and group delay function", 2013. [More]
- Sathya Adithya Thati, Sudheer K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Synthesis of laughter by modifying excitation characteristics", 2013. [More]
- Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Production Features for Detection of Shouted Speech", 2013. [More]
- Apoorv Reddy, Nivedita Chennupati and B. Yegnanarayana, "Syllable nuclei detection using perceptually significant features", 2013. [More]
- Ravi Shankar Prasad and B. Yegnanarayana, "Acoustic segmentation of speech using zero time liftering (ZTL)", 2013. [More]
- Gomathi Ramya, Sathya Adithya Thati, Karthik Venkat and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of Mimicry Speech", 2012. [More]
- Sathya Adithya Thati, Bajibabu Bollepalli, Peri Bhaskararao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of Breathy Voice based on Excitation Characteristics of Speech Production", 2012. [More]
- Vinay Kumar Mittal, Dhananjaya N. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Effect of Tongue Tip Trilling on the Glottal Excitation Source", 2012. [More]
- Anand Joseph Xavier M. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Non-linear encoding of the excitation source using neural networks for transition mode coding in CELP", 2012. [More]
- P. Gangamohan, Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Relative importance of different components of speech contributing to perception of emotion", 2012. [More]
- Dhananjaya N., B. Yegnanarayana and Peri Bhaskararao, "Acoustic analysis of trill sounds", 2012. [More]
- P. Gangamohan, Vinay Kumar Mittal and B. Yegnanarayana, "A Flexible Analysis Synthesis Tool (FAST) for studying the characteristic features of emotion in speech", 2012. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Dhananjaya N., Anand Joseph Xavier M. and Suryakanth V Gangashetty, "Decomposition of speech signals for analysis of aperiodic components of excitation", 2011. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, D. Govind and S. R. M. Prasanna, "Neutral to target emotion conversion using source and suprasegmental information", 2011. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. R. M. Prasanna and Guruprasad S, "Study of robustness of zero frequency resonator method for extraction of fundamental frequency", 2011. [More]
- Guruprasad S. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Performance of an event-based instantaneous fundamental frequency estimator for distant speech signals", 2011. [More]
- Dhananjaya N., Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Acoustic-phonetic information from excitation source for refining manner hypotheses of a phone recognizer", 2011. [More]
- Gautam Varma Mantena, S. Rajendran, B. Rambabu, Suryakanth V Gangashetty, B. Yegnanarayana and Kishore S. Prahallad, "A Speech-Based Conversation System for Accessing Agriculture Commodity Prices in Indian Languages", 2011. [More]
- Bajibabu Bollepalli, Ronanki Srikanth, Sathya Adithya Thati, Bhiksha Raj, B. Yegnanarayana and Kishore S. Prahallad, "A Comparison of Prosody Modification Using Instants of Significant Excitation and Mel-cepstral Vocoder", 2011. [More]
- Gautam Varma Mantena, S. Rajendran, Suryakanth V Gangashetty, B. Yegnanarayana and Kishore S. Prahallad, "Development of a Spoken Dialogue System for accessing Agricultural Information in Telugu", 2011. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Group delay functions and its applications in speech technology", 2011. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Suryakanth V Gangashetty, "Epoch-based analysis of speech signals", 2011. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and S.R.M.Prasanna, "Analysis of instantneous F0 contours from two speakers mixed signal using zero frequency filtering", 2010. [More]
- Dhananjaya N. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Voiced/nonvoiced detection based on robustness of voiced epochs", 2010. [More]
- Sri Harish Reddy M. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Incorporation of Excitation Source and Duration Variations in Speech Synthesized at Different Speaking Rates", 2010. [More]
- Sri Harish Reddy M., Kishore S. Prahallad, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Significance of Pitch Synchronous Analysis for Speaker Recognition using AANN Models", 2010. [More]
- C.Krishna Mohan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Classification of sport videos using edge-based features and autoassociative neural network models", 2010. [More]
- Anand Joseph Xavier M., Sri Harish Reddy M. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speaker Dependent Mapping of Source and System features for Enhancement of Throat Microphone Speech", 2010. [More]
- S R M Prasanna, D Govind, K Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Fast Prosody Modification using Instants of Significant Excitation", 2010. [More]
- B. Avinash, Guruprasad S. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Exploring subsegmental and suprasegmental features for a text-dependent speaker verification in distant speech signals", 2010. [More]
- Srinivas Desai, A. W. Black, B. Yegnanarayana and Kishore S. Prahallad, "Spectral mapping using artificial neural networks for voice conversion", 2010. [More]
- Anand Joseph Xavier M., Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural Network Mapping of Throat Microphone Speech for Low-Bitrate Coding", 2009. [More]
- Hussien Seid Worku, S. Rajendran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Acoustic characteristics of ejectives in Amharic", 2009. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, R. Kumara Swamy and Sri Rama Murty K, "Determining Mixing Parameters From Multispeaker Data Using Speech-Specific Information", 2009. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Sri Rama Murty K, "Event-Based Instantaneous Fundamental Frequency Estimation From Speech Signals", 2009. [More]
- L. R. Rabiner, B. H. Juang and B. Yegnanarayana, Fundamentals of Speech Recognition, 2009. [More]
- Srinivas Desai, Veera Raghavendra Elluru, B. Yegnanarayana, Alan W Black and Kishore S. Prahallad, "Voice Conversion Using Artificial Neural Networks", 2009. [More]
- Anand Joseph Xavier M., B. Yegnanarayana, Sanjeev Gupta and R.M. Kesheorey, "Speaker dependent mapping for low bit rate coding of throat microphone speech", 2009. [More]
- G. Bapineedu, B. Avinash, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of Lombard Speech using Excitation Source Information", 2009. [More]
- Sudheer K., Sri Harish Reddy M., Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of laugh signals for detecting in continuous speech", 2009. [More]
- Sri Rama Murty K., B. Yegnanarayana and Anand Joseph Xavier M, "Characterization of Glottal Activity From Speech Signals", 2009. [More]
- Sri Harish Reddy M., Guruprasad S. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Subsegmental Features for Analysis of Speech at Different Speaking Rates", 2009. [More]
- Guruprasad S. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Perceived loudness of speech based on the characteristics of glottal excitation source", 2009. [More]
- Anil Kumar Sao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analytic Phase-based Representation for Face Recognition", 2009. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Duration modification using glottal closure instants and vowel onset points", 2009. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Intonation modeling for Indian languages", 2009. [More]
- Anil Kumar Sao and B. Yegnanarayana, "On the use of phase of the Fourier transform for face recognition under variations in illumination", 2009. [More]
- Dhananjaya N., S. Rajendran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Features for automatic detection of voice bars in continuous speech", 2008. [More]
- J. Pinto, B. Yegnanarayana, H. Hermansky and M.Magimai-Doss, "Exploiting contextual information for improved phoneme recognition", 2008. [More]
- Leena Mary and B. Yegnanarayana, "Prosodic features for language identification", 2008. [More]
- Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Event-based interpretation of HMM state sequences for speech analysis", 2008. [More]
- Veera Raghavendra Elluru, B. Yegnanarayana, Alan W Black and Kishore S. Prahallad, "Building Sleek Synthesizer for Multi-lingual Screen Reader", 2008. [More]
- Veera Raghavendra Elluru, Srinivas Desai, B. Yegnanarayana, Alan W Black and Kishore S. Prahallad, "Global Syllable Set for Building Speech Synthesis in Indian Languages", 2008. [More]
- Veera Raghavendra Elluru, B. Yegnanarayana and Kishore S. Prahallad, "Speech Synthesis Using Approximate Matching of Syllables", 2008. [More]
- Veera Raghavendra Elluru, Srinivas Desai, B. Yegnanarayana, Alan W Black and Kishore S. Prahallad, "Blizzard 2008: Experiments on Unit Size for Unit Selection Speech Synthesis", 2008. [More]
- Sachin Joshi, Kishore S. Prahallad and B. Yegnanarayana, "AANN-HMM Models for Speaker Verification and Speech Recognition", 2008. [More]
- N. P. Cuntoor, B. Yegnanarayana and R. Chellappa, "Activity Modeling Using Event Probability Sequences", 2008. [More]
- Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Epoch Extraction From Speech Signals", 2008. [More]
- Anvita Bajpai and B. Yegnanarayana, "Combining evidence from subsegmental and segmental features for audio clip classification", 2008. [More]
- Leena Mary and B. Yegnanarayana, "Extraction and representation of prosodic features for language and speaker recognition", 2008. [More]
- Dhananjaya N. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speaker change detection in casual conversations using excitation source features", 2008. [More]
- S. Palanivel and B. Yegnanarayana, "Multimodal person authentication using speech, face and visual speech", 2008. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Sri Rama Murty K. and S. Rajendran, "Analysis of stop consonants in Indian languages using excitation source information in speech signal", 2008. [More]
- Sri Rama Murty K., Saurav Khurana, Yogendra Umesh Itankar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Efficient representation of throat microphone speech", 2008. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. Rajendran, Hussien Seid Worku and Dhananjaya N, "Analysis of glottal stops in speech signals", 2008. [More]
- C. Krishna Mohan, Dhananjaya N. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Video Shot Segmentation Using Late Fusion Technique", 2008. [More]
- C. Krishna Mohan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Edge-based classification of sports videos using HMM", 2007. [More]
- A. Shahina and B. Yegnanarayana, "Mapping speech spectra from throat microphone to close-speaking microphone: a neural network approach", 2007. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao, S. R. M Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Determination of Instants of Significant Excitation in Speech Using Hilbert Envelope and Group Delay Function", 2007. [More]
- Anil Kumar Sao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Face Verification Using Template Matching", 2007. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Modeling durations of syllables using neural networks", 2007. [More]
- Sri Rama Murty K., B. Yegnanarayana and Guruprasad S, "Voice activity detection in degraded speech using excitation source information", 2007. [More]
- Guruprasad S., B. Yegnanarayana and Sri Rama Murty K, "Detection of instants of glottal closure using characteristics of excitation source", 2007. [More]
- C. Krishna Mohan, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Categorization of sports video using SVMs", 2007. [More]
- Anil Kumar Sao, B. Yegnanarayana and B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar, "Significance of image representation for face verification", 2007. [More]
- R. Kumara Swamy, Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Determining number of speakers from multispeaker speech signals using excitation source information", 2007. [More]
- A. Shahina and B. Yegnanarayana, "Mapping neural networks for bandwidth extension of narrowband speech", 2006. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. Chandra Sekhar, S. Palanivel, V. Suresh, Anil Kumar Sao and Dhananjaya N, "Issues in the Development of an Audio-Video based Person Authentication System", 2006. [More]
- K.S.R. Murty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Combining evidence from residual phase and MFCC features for speaker recognition", 2006. [More]
- S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Cheedella S. Gupta and B. Yegnanarayana, "Extraction of speaker-specific excitation information from linear prediction residual of speech", 2006. [More]
- K.S. Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Prosody modification using instants of significant excitation", 2006. [More]
- Anil Kumar Sao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Template Matching Approach for Pose Problem in Face Verification", 2006. [More]
- Anand Joseph Xavier M., Guruprasad S. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Extracting formants from short segments of speech using group delay functions", 2006. [More]
- Kishore S. Prahallad, Suryakanth V Gangashetty, B. Yegnanarayana and D.Raj Reddy, "Problems and prospects in collection of spoken language data", 2006. [More]
- Dhananjaya N. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Correlation-Based Similarity Between Signals for Speaker Verification with Limited Amount of Speech Data", 2006. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Voice conversion by prosody and vocal tract modification", 2006. [More]
- Leena Mary and B. Yegnanarayana, "Prosodic features for speaker verification", 2006. [More]
- C. Krishna Mohan, Dhananjaya N., Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Sports video classification using autoassociative neural network models", 2006. [More]
- Vikas C. Rayakar, Ramani Duraiswami and B. Yegnanarayana, "Extracting the frequencies of the pinna spectral notches in measured head-related impulse response", 2005. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C.Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Combining Evidence from Multiple Classifiers for Recognition of Consonant-Vowel Units of Speech in Multiple Languages", 2005. [More]
- Sri Rama Murty K., S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural Network Models for Extracting Complementary Speaker-Specific Information from Residual Phase", 2005. [More]
- Leena Mary, K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural Network Classifiers for Language Identification using Syntactic and Prosodic features", 2005. [More]
- Leena Mary and B. Yegnanarayana, "Consonant-Vowel Based Features for Language Identification Systems", 2005. [More]
- A. Shahina and B. Yegnanarayana, "Recognition of Consonant-Vowel Units in Throat Microphone Speech", 2005. [More]
- S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Detection of Vowel Onset Point Events using Excitation Information,", 2005. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, R. Kumara Swamy and S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, "Separation of multispeaker speech using excitation information", 2005. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Spotting Multilingual Consonant-Vowel Units of Speech Using Neural Networks", 2005. [More]
- Naresh P. Cuntoor, B. Yegnanarayana and Rama Chellappa, "Interpretation of State Sequences in HMM for Activity Representation", 2005. [More]
- Vakkalanka Suresh, S. Palanivel and B. Yegnanarayana, "NVIBRS-News Video Indexing, Browsing and Retrieval System", 2005. [More]
- Vakkalanka Suresh, C.Krishna Mohan, R. Kumaraswamy and B. Yegnanarayana, "Combining multiple evidence for video classification", 2005. [More]
- A. Nayeemulla Khan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Vowel onset point based variable frame rate analysis for speech recognition", 2005. [More]
- A. Shahina and B. Yegnanarayana, "Language identification in noisy environments using throat microphone signals", 2005. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S.R.M. Prasanna, J.M. Zachariah and C.S. Gupta, "Combining evidence from source, suprasegmental and spectral features for a fixed-text speaker verification system", 2005. [More]
- V.C. Raykar, B. Yegnanarayana, S.R.M. Prasanna and R. Duraiswami, "Speaker Localization Using Excitation Source Information in Speech", 2005. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S.R.M. Prasanna, R. Duraiswami and D. Zotkin, "Processing of reverberant speech for time-delay estimation", 2005. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Spotting Multilingual Consonant-Vowel Units of Speech using Neural Network Models", 2005. [More]
- K. Venkataramani, Anil Kumar Sao, B. Yegnanarayana and B.V.K.Vijaya Kumar, "Face authentication using one-dimensional processing", 2004. [More]
- Sri Rama Murty K., S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speaker-specific information from residual phase", 2004. [More]
- C. Xie, S. Palanivel, B. Yegnanarayana and B.V.K.V. Kumar, "An optimal tradeoff synthetic discriminant function filter based still-to-video face verification system", 2004. [More]
- Leena Mary, Sri Rama Murty K., S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Features for speaker and language identification", 2004. [More]
- Leena Mary, Sri Rama Murty K., S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network models for capturing duration and intonation knowledge for language and speaker identification", 2004. [More]
- S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Extraction of pitch in adverse conditions", 2004. [More]
- S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Modelling syllable duration in Indian languages using neural networks", 2004. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Anil Kumar Sao, B.V.K. Vijay Kumar and Marios Savvides, "Determination of pose angle for face using dynamic space warping", 2004. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Extraction of fixed dimension patterns from varying duration segments of consonant-vowel utterances", 2004. [More]
- Anvita Bajpai and B. Yegnanarayana, "Exploring features for audio clip classification using LP residual and AANN models", 2004. [More]
- A Nayeemulla Khan, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network preprocessor for recognition of syllables", 2004. [More]
- S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Jinu Mariam Zachariah and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network models for combining evidence from spectral and supra segmental features for text-dependent speaker verification", 2004. [More]
- Anil Kumar Sao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Face verification using correlation filters and auto associative neural networks", 2004. [More]
- C. Xie, S. Palanivel, B. Yegnanarayana and B.V.K.V. Kumar, "A still-to-video face verification system using advacned correlation filters", 2004. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Acoustic model combination for recognition of speech in multiple languages using support vector machines", 2004. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Impact of constraints on prosody modeling for Indian languages", 2004. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network models for test-to-speech synthesis", 2004. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Two-stage duration model for Indian languages using neural networks", 2004. [More]
- Dhananjaya N., Guruprasad S. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speaker Segmentation Based on Subsegmental Features and Neural Network Models", 2004. [More]
- Leena Mary and B. Yegnanarayana, "Autoassociative neural network models for language identification", 2004. [More]
- Vakkalanka Suresh, C.Krishna Mohan, R. Kumaraswamy and B. Yegnanarayana, "Content-Based Video Classification using SVMs", 2004. [More]
- A. Nayeemulla Khan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speech enhanced multi-span language model", 2004. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Detection of vowel onset points in continuous speech using autoassociative neural network models", 2004. [More]
- A. Nayeemulla Khan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Latent semantic analysis for speaker recognition", 2004. [More]
- M.Chaitanya, S.R.M. Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Enhancement of reverberant speech using excitation source information", 2004. [More]
- M.Chaitanya, S.R.M. Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Throat Microphone Signal for Speaker Recognition", 2004. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Intonation modeling for Indian languages", 2004. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Spotting consonant-vowel units in continuous speech using autoassociative neural networks and support vector machines", 2004. [More]
- Anvita Bajpai and B. Yegnanarayana, "Audio Clip Classification using LP Residual and Neural Networks Models", 2004. [More]
- S.Palanivel, B. Yegnanarayana and B.V.K.Vijaya Kumar, "Person authentication using acoustic and visual features", 2004. [More]
- V.Suresh, S.Palanivel and B. Yegnanarayana, "Anchor person indexing and visual table of contents generation for TV news", 2004. [More]
- A. Nayeemulla Khan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Syllable as a unit for speech recognition: An information theoretic perspective", 2004. [More]
- V.S.N. Prasad and B. Yegnanarayana, "Finding axes of symmetry from potential fields", 2004. [More]
- S. Palanivel, B.S Venkatesh and B. Yegnanarayana, "Real time face authentication using autoassociative neural network models", 2003. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Dimension reduction using autoassociative neural network models for recognition of consonant-vowel units of speech", 2003. [More]
- A. Nayeemulla Khan, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Syllabic properties of three Indian languages: Implications for speech recognition and language identification", 2003. [More]
- V. C. Raykar, R. Duraiswamy, B. Yegnanarayana and S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, "Tracking a moving speaker using excitation source information", 2003. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna and M. Mathew, "Speech enhancement in multispeaker environment using excitation source information", 2003. [More]
- Guruprasad S., Dhananjaya N. and B. Yegnanarayana, "AANN models for speaker recognition based on difference cepstrals", 2003. [More]
- Vikas C. Raykar, B. Yegnanarayana, Ramani Duraiswami and Larry Davis, "Extracting significant features from the HRTF", 2003. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Constraint satisfaction model for enhancement of evidence in recognition of consonant-vowel utterances", 2003. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Prosodic manipulation using instants of significant excitation", 2003. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, K. Sreenivasa Rao, A. Nayeemulla Khan, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Real time face authentication using autoassociative neural network models", 2003. [More]
- S. Palanivel, Vinod Pathangay and B. Yegnanarayana, "Audio-visual based person authentication system", 2003. [More]
- S. Rajendran, K. Sreenivasa Rao, B. Yegnanarayana and K. Nagamma Reddy, "Syllable duration in Broadcast news in Telugu: A preliminary study", 2003. [More]
- Hemant Misra, Shajith Ikbal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speaker-specific mapping for text-independent speaker recognition", 2003. [More]
- K. Sreenivasa Rao, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Duration analysis for Telugu language", 2003. [More]
- S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, J. M. Zachariah and B. Yegnanarayana, "Begin-end detection using vowel onset points", 2003. [More]
- S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Jinu Mariam Zachariah and B. Yegnanarayana, "Begin-End detection using VOPs", 2003. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and S. Palanivel, "Autoassociative Neural Network Models for Pattern Recognition Tasks in Speech and Image", 2002. [More]
- B. S. Venkatesh, S. Palanivel and B. Yegnanarayana, "Face detection and recognition in an image sequence using eigen edginess", 2002. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "A constraint satisfaction model for recognition of stop consonant-vowel (SCV) utterances", 2002. [More]
- Vinod Pathangay and B. Yegnanarayana, "Use of vertical face profiles for text-dependent person authentication", 2002. [More]
- Cheedella S. Gupta, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Autoassociative neural network models for online speaker verification using source features from vowels", 2002. [More]
- Gaurav Aggarwal, Anvita Bajpai, A. Nayeemulla Khan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Exploring Features for Audio Indexing", 2002. [More]
- K. Kiran Kumar, K. Sreenivasa Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Duration knowledge for text-to-speech conversion system for Telugu", 2002. [More]
- D. Devaraj, B. Yegnanarayana and K. Ramar, "Radial basis function networks for fast contingency ranking", 2002. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, A. Nayeemulla Khan, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network models for preprocessing and discriminating utterences of consonant-vowel units", 2002. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Linear and nonlinear compression of feature vectors for speech recognition", 2002. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna and K. Sreenivasa Rao, "Speech enhancement using excitation source information", 2002. [More]
- S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Cheedella S. Gupta and B. Yegnanarayana, "Autoassociative neural network models for speaker verification using source features", 2002. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Kishore S. Prahallad, "AANN: an alternative to GMM for pattern recognition", 2002. [More]
- S. Ramesh, B. Yegnanarayana, Sukhendu Das and Rama Chellappa, "Face recognition using edginess-based representation", 2002. [More]
- S. Ramesh, S. Palanivel, Sukhendu Das and B. Yegnanarayana, "Eigenedginess vs eigenhill, eigenface and eigenedge", 2002. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, K. Sharat Reddy and Kishore S. Prahallad, "Source and system features for speaker recognition using AANN models", 2001. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and C. Chandra Sekhar, "Pattern Recognition Issues in Speech Processing", 2001. [More]
- A. Nayeemulla Khan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Development of a speech recognition system for tamil for small resticted tasks", 2001. [More]
- D. Devaraj and B. Yegnanarayana, "Performance of neural network based contingency selection with reduced input features", 2001. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna and Suryakanth V Gangashetty, "Autoassociative neural network models for speaker recognition", 2001. [More]
- S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Significance of vowel onset point for speech analysis", 2001. [More]
- S. Kajarekar, B. Yegnanarayana and H. Hermansky, "A study of two dimensional linear discriminants for ASR", 2001. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and S. Ramesh, Solution Manual to Artificial Neural Networks, 2001. [More]
- Kishore S. Prahallad, B. Yegnanarayana and Suryakanth V Gangashetty, "Online text-independent speaker verification system using autoassociative neural network models", 2001. [More]
- Suryakanth V Gangashetty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network models for recognition of consonant-vowel (CnV) utterances", 2001. [More]
- K. V. S. Prasada Reddy, Sukhendu Das, Koshy Varghese and B. Yegnanarayana, "Detecting road segments from satellite images", 2000. [More]
- Narendranath Malayath, Hynek Hermansky, Sachin Kajarekar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Data-driven temporal filters and alternatives to GMM in speaker verification", 2000. [More]
- P. Kiran Kumar, Sukhendu Das and B. Yegnanarayana, "One-dimensional processing of images", 2000. [More]
- D. Devaraj and B. Yegnanarayana, "An adaptive fuzzy system model for power system security assessment", 2000. [More]
- Kishore S. Prahallad and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speaker verification: Minimizing channel effects using auto-associative neural network models", 2000. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Kishore S. Prahallad and A. V. N. S. Anjani, "Neural network models for capturing probability distribution of training data", 2000. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and M. Narendranath, "Neural Networks for Voice Conversion", 2000. [More]
- D. Devaraj and B. Yegnanarayana, "A combined genetic algorithm approach for optimal power flow", 2000. [More]
- P. Kiran Kumar, Sukhendu Das and B. Yegnanarayana, "One dimensional processing for edge detection using Hilbert transform", 2000. [More]
- A. V. N. S. Anjani and B. Yegnanarayana, "An Autoregressive model based approach for DTMF detection", 2000. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and P.S. Murthy, "Enhancement of reverberant speech using LP residual signal", 2000. [More]
- Kishore S. Prahallad and B. Yegnanarayana, "Online text-independent speaker verification system", 2000. [More]
- Hemant Misra, Shajith Ikbal and B. Yegnanarayana, "Spectral mapping as a feature for speaker recognition", 1999. [More]
- Bayya Aruna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Noise invariant representation for speech signals", 1999. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Carlos Avendano, Hynek Hermansky and P. Satyanarayana Murthy, "Speech enhancement using linear prediction residual", 1999. [More]
- M. Mathew, B. Yegnanarayana and R. Sundar, "A neural network-based text-dependent speaker verification system using suprasegmental features", 1999. [More]
- P. Satyanarayana Murthy and B. Yegnanarayana, "Robustness of group-delay-based method for extraction of significant instants of excitation from speech signals", 1999. [More]
- D. Devaraj, T. V. S. N. L. N. Murthy and B. Yegnanarayana, "A fuzzy system model for plant condition monitoring", 1999. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Speech processing for diagnostic applications", 1999. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Artificial Neural Networks, 1999. [More]
- J. Y. Siva Rama Krishna Rao, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural networks based approach for detection of vowel onset points,", 1999. [More]
- Kishore S. Prahallad and B. Yegnanarayana, "Identification of handset-type using Auto Associative Neural Networks", 1999. [More]
- M. S. Ikbal, H. Misra and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of autoassociative mapping neural networks", 1999. [More]
- Manish Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Application of Fuzzy-Rough Sets in Modular Neural Networks", 1999. [More]
- N. Jagadeesh Babu, M. Sanjay, Sukhendu Das and B. Yegnanarayana, "Matching noisy bitmap images based on distance transform", 1998. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Modular networks and constraint satisfaction model for recognition of Stop-Consonant-Vowel (SCV) utterances", 1998. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, P.Satyanarayana Murthy, C. Avendano and H. Hermansky, "Enhancement of reverberant speech using LP residual", 1998. [More]
- Manish Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana and Deepak Khemani, "Backpropagation learning algorithms for classification with fuzzy mean square error", 1998. [More]
- Manish Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Fuzzy-rough membership functions", 1998. [More]
- Manish Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "A review on merging some recent techniques with artificial neural networks", 1998. [More]
- Aruna Bayya and B. Yegnanarayana, "Robust features for speech recognition systems", 1998. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Anitha Mary Jacob and Aruna Bayya, "Spectrum estimation through group delay functions", 1998. [More]
- Manish Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Rough-fuzzy membership functions", 1998. [More]
- Manish Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Application of fuzzy-rough sets in modular neural networks", 1998. [More]
- Manish Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Fuzzy-rough neural networks for vowel classification", 1998. [More]
- Anitha Maru Jacob and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network models for processing degraded speech", 1998. [More]
- Anitha Maru Jacob and B. Yegnanarayana, "Feed forward neural network models for processing encrypted speech", 1998. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and R.N.J. Veldhuis, "Extraction of vocal-tract system characteristics from speech signals", 1998. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. d'Alessandro and V. Darsinos, "An iterative algorithm for decomposition of speech signals into periodic and aperiodic components", 1998. [More]
- C. d'Alessandro, V. Darsinos and B. Yegnanarayana, "Effectiveness of a periodic and aperiodic decomposition method for analysis of voice sources", 1998. [More]
- P.P. Raghu and B. Yegnanarayana, "Supervised texture classification using a probabilistic neural network and constraint satisfaction model", 1998. [More]
- M. Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Rough fuzzy set theoretic approach to evaluate the importance of input features in classification", 1997. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. Avendano, H. Hermansky and P. Satyanarayana Murthy, "Processing linear prediction residual for speech enhancement", 1997. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and P. Satyanarayana Murthy, "New directions in speech processing - A review", 1997. [More]
- Manish Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana and Deepak Khemani, "A clustering algorithm using an evolutionary programming-based approach", 1997. [More]
- M. Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Incorporation of fuzzy classification properties into backpropagation learning algorithm", 1997. [More]
- M. Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Feedforward neural network configuration using evolutionary programming", 1997. [More]
- M. Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "An evolutionary programming-based probabilistic neural network construction technique", 1997. [More]
- P.P. Raghu, R. Poongodi and B. Yegnanarayana, "Unsupervised texture classification using vector quantization and deterministic relaxation neural network", 1997. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "On timing in time-frequency analysis of speech signals", 1996. [More]
- S. Rajendran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Word boundary hypothesization for continuous speech in Hindi based on F0 patterns", 1996. [More]
- M. Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana and D. Khemani, "Feedforward neural networks and fuzzy classification", 1996. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Phase, residual and suprasegmental information in speech processing", 1996. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Recognition of stop-consonant-vowel (SCV) segments in continuous speech using neural network models", 1996. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar, B. Yegnanarayana and R. Sundar, "A constraint satisfaction model for recognition of Stop Consonant-Vowel (SCV) utterances in Indian languages", 1996. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Deepak Khemani and Manish Sarkar, "Neural networks for contract bridge bidding", 1996. [More]
- P.P. Raghu and B. Yegnanarayana, "Segmentation of Gabor-filtered textures using deterministic relaxation", 1996. [More]
- Manish Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Evolutionary programming-based fuzzy clustering", 1996. [More]
- P. P. Raghu and B. Yegnanarayana, "Texture classification using probabilistic neural networks and constraint satisfaction model", 1996. [More]
- Manish Sarkar and B. Yegnanarayana, "A clustering algorithm using evolutionary programming", 1996. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and P. Satyanarayana Murthy, "Source-system windowing for speech analysis and synthesis", 1996. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network models for spotting Stop-Consonant-Vowel (SCV) segments in continuous speech", 1996. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, M. Narendranath and S. Rajendran, "Voice Conversion", 1995. [More]
- P. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi and B. Yegnanarayana, "Unsupervised classification of textures using deterministic relaxation neural network", 1995. [More]
- M. Narendranath, Hema A. Murthy, S. Rajendran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Transformation of formants for voice conversion using artificial neural networks", 1995. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and R. L. H. M. Smits, "A robust method for determining instants of major excitations in voiced speech", 1995. [More]
- C. d'Alesandro, B. Yegnanarayana and V. Darsinos, "Decomposition of speech signals into deterministic and stochastic components", 1995. [More]
- C. d'Alessandro, V. Darsinos and B. Yegnanarayana, "Evaluation of periodic/aperiodic decomposition for analysis of aperiodicities in the voice source", 1995. [More]
- V. Darsinos, C. d'Alessandro and B. Yegnanarayana, "Evaluation of a periodic/aperiodic speech decomposition algorithm", 1995. [More]
- A. Ravichandran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Studies on object recognition from degraded images using neural networks", 1995. [More]
- P. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi and B. Yegnanarayana, "A combined neural network approach for texture classification", 1995. [More]
- Babu Thomas, B. Yegnanarayana and Sukhendu Das, "Stereo-correspondence using Gabor Ligons and neural networks", 1995. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, N. Sudha, P.P. Raghu and C. Chandra Sekhar, "Artificial Neural Networks for Classification of Sonar Targets", 1995. [More]
- P. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi and B. Yegnanarayana, "Texture classification using self-organizing map with a supervised labelling mechanism", 1995. [More]
- Manish Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana and Deepak Khemani, "Application of neural network in contrast bridge bidding", 1995. [More]
- P. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi and B. Yegnanarayana, "Supervised texture classification using counter propagation network with SOM principles", 1995. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar, K. Sakthivel and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network based approaches for recognition of stop consonant vowel (SCV) segments in continuous speech", 1995. [More]
- R. Smits and B. Yegnanarayana, "Determination of instants of significant excitation in speech using group delay function", 1995. [More]
- N. Sudha, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Automatic classification of sonar targets using artificial neural networks", 1995. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Classification of CV transitions in continuous speech using neural network models", 1994. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. P. Wagh and S. Rajendran, "A speaker verification system using prosodic features", 1994. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and A. S. Madhukumar, "Significance of knowledge sources for a text-to- speech system for Indian languages", 1994. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. Chandra Sekhar and S. R. Prakash, "Fuzzyfication of formant trajectories for classification of CV utterances using neural network models", 1994. [More]
- P. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi and B. Yegnanarayana, "Texture classification using a combined self-organizing map and multilayer perception", 1994. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Artificial neural networks for pattern recognition", 1994. [More]
- M. Narendranath, Hema A. Murthy, S. Rajendran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Voice conversion using artificial neural networks", 1994. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. Chandra Sekhar and S. R. Prakash, "Recognition of CV segments using fuzzy neural networks", 1994. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and R. Ramaseshan, "An artificial neural network model for image reconstruction for multiple frame of noisy sparse data", 1993. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and P. Satyanarayana Murthy, "On windowing speech data for analysis", 1993. [More]
- N. Sudha, H. M. Chouhan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Sonar target recognition: A neural network approach", 1993. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, P. Satyanarayana Murthy and J.H. Eggen, "Source system windowing for speech analysis", 1993. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and V. R. Ramachandran, "Group Delay Processing of Speech Signals in Martin Cooke", 1993. [More]
- P. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi and B. Yegnanarayana, "Texture classification using a two-stage neural network approach", 1993. [More]
- P. P. Raghu, H. M. Chouhan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Multispectral texture classification using neural networks", 1993. [More]
- R. Ramaseshan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Image reconstruction from multiple frames of sparse data", 1993. [More]
- A. S. Madhukumar, S. Rajendran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Intonation component of a text-to-speech system for Hindi", 1993. [More]
- A. S. Madhukumar and B. Yegnanarayana, "A speaker recognition system based on intonation knowledge", 1993. [More]
- A. A. Valan and B. Yegnanarayana, "Directed spreading activation in multiple layers for lowerlevel feature extraction", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. Rajendran, S. R. Rajesh Kumar, V. R. Ramachandran and A. S. Madhukumar, "Knowledge sources for a text-to-speech system in Hindi", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and V. R. Ramachandran, "Group delay processing of speech signals", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, H.M. Chouhan, C. Chandra Sekhar and R.P. Singh, "Sonar target recognition using radial basic function networks", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, A. S. Madhukumar and V. R. Ramachandran, "Robust features for applications in speech and speaker recognition", 1992. [More]
- P. Eswar, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Use of fuzzy mathematical concepts in character spotting for automatic recognition of continuous speech in Hindi", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. Rajendran, S. R. Rajesh Kumar, V. R. Ramachandran and A. S. Madhukumar, "Knowledge sources for a text-to-speech system in Hindi", 1992. [More]
- V. R. Ramachandran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Coarticulation rule for a text-to-speech system for Hindi", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and et al, "Tutorial on Speech Technology", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and et al, Proceedings of Workshop on Speech Technology, 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, R. Ramaseshan and A. Ravichandran, "Studies in Sensor Array Imaging", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and H.A. Murthy, "Significance of group delay functions in spectrum estimation", 1992. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, R. Ramaseshan and A. Ravichandran, "Improving resolution of sensor array images using multiple frames of data", 1991. [More]
- Shriram Revankar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Machine Recognition and Correction of Freehand Geometric Line Sketches", 1991. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Hema A Murthy and V. R. Ramachandran, "Speech Processing using modified group delay functions", 1991. [More]
- A. Ravichandran and B. Yegnanarayana, "A two stage neural network for translation, rotation and size-invariant visual pattern recognition", 1991. [More]
- A. S. Madhukumar, S. Rajendran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Significance of prosodic knowledge in a text-to-speech system for Hindi", 1991. [More]
- A. S. Madhukumar, S. Rajendran, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Synthesizing intonation for speech in Hindi", 1991. [More]
- A. S. Madhukumar, S. Rajendran and B. Yegnanarayana, "Synthesizing intonation for Indian Languages", 1991. [More]
- V. V. S. Sarma, N. Viswanadham, B. Yegnanarayana and B. L. Deekshatulu, Aritificial Intelligence and Expert System Technologies in the Indian Context, 1991. [More]
- G. V. Ramana Rao and B. Yegnanarayana, "Word boundary hypothesization in Hindi speech", 1991. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and R. Sundar, "Signal processing issues in realizing voice input to computers", 1991. [More]
- Hema A. Murthy and B. Yegnanarayana, "Formant extraction from group delay function", 1991. [More]
- Hema A. Murthy and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speech processing using group delay functions", 1991. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar et al., "Development of speech-to-text system for Indian languages, Frontiers in knowledge-based computing", 1990. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana et al., "Development of a text-to-speech system for Indian languages, Frontiers in knowledge-based computing", 1990. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, R. Ramaseshan and A. Ravichandran, "An Algorithm for thinning noisy images", 1990. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Processing of noisy speech using group delay functions", 1990. [More]
- C.P. Mariadassou and B. Yegnanarayana, "Image reconstruction from noisy digital holograms", 1990. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Hema A. Murthy and V. R. Ramachandran, "Speech Enhancement Using Group Delay Functions", 1990. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Hema A Murthy, "Spectrum estimation using Fourier transform phase", 1990. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Hema A. Murthy, "New Methods of processing noisy signals using group delay functions", 1990. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. P. Mariadassou and Pramod Saini, "Signal reconstruction from partial data for sensor array imaging applications", 1990. [More]
- S. Tanveer Fathima and B. Yegnanarayana, "A maximum entropy approach to interpolation", 1990. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, R. Ramaseshan and A. Ravichandran, "Image reconstruction from multiple frames of sensor srray data", 1989. [More]
- M. Prakash, G. V. Ramana Rao, C. Chandra Sekhar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Parsing spoken utterances in an inflectional language", 1989. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. Chandra Sekhar, G. V. Ramana Rao, P. Eswar and M. Prakash, "A continuous speech recognition system for Indian Languages", 1989. [More]
- S. R. Rajesh Kumar, R. Sriram and B. Yegnanarayana, "A new approach to develop a Text-to-Speech conversion for Indian Languages", 1989. [More]
- Hema A. Murthy, K. V Murthy and B. Yegnanarayana, "Formant Extraction from Fourier transform phase", 1989. [More]
- G. Duncan, B. Yegnanarayana and Hema A. Murthy, "A nonparametric method of formant estimation using group delay spectra", 1989. [More]
- K. V. Madhu Murthy and B. Yegnanarayana, "Effectiveness of representation of signals through group delay functions", 1989. [More]
- H.A. Murthy, K.V. Madhu Murthy and B. Yegnanarayana, "Formant extraction from phase using weighted group delay function", 1989. [More]
- S. R. Rajesh Kumar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Significance of durational knowledge for speech synthesis system in an Indian language", 1989. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S.T. Fathima, B.T.K.R. Nehru and B. Venkataramana, "Significance of initial interpolation in band-limited signal interpolation", 1989. [More]
- D. G. Childers, Ke Wu, D. M. Hicks and B. Yegnanarayana, "Voice conversion", 1989. [More]
- G. V. Ramana Rao, M. Prakash and B. Yegnanarayana, "Word boundary hypothesisation in Hindi Speech", 1989. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, G. Duncan and Hema A. Murthy, "Improving Formant extraction from speech using minimum-phase group delay spectra", 1988. [More]
- K. V. Madhu Murty and B. Yegnanarayana, "Composite signal decomposition using group delay functions", 1988. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Voice input/output systems for Indian languages", 1988. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. P. Mariadassou and Pramod Saini, "Image reconstruction from sensor array data", 1988. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Voice input/output systems for Indian languages", 1988. [More]
- C. Chandra Sekhar, Sanyaj Kumar Singh, P. Eshwar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Feature spotting approach for speech signal-to-symbol transformation for continuous speech in Indian Languages", 1988. [More]
- Hema A. Murthy, A. A. Babu, B. Yegnanarayana and K. V. Madhu Murthy, "Speech coding using Fourier transform phase", 1988. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, K. V. Madhu Murthy and A. Hema Murthy, "Application of group delay functions in speech processing", 1988. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, C. P. mariadassou and Pramod Saini, "Studies on reducing the reciever complexity in acoustic imaging", 1988. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Hema A. Murthy, "Formant extraction using group delay function", 1988. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Hema A Murthy, "Formant extraction using group delay function", 1988. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and A. Raghunathan, "Representation of images through group-delay functions", 1987. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. Tanveer Fathima and Hema A. Murthy, "Reconstruction from Fourier transform phase with applications to speech analysis", 1987. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, K. V. Madhu Murthy and Hema A. Murthy, "Processing of noisy speech using partial phase", 1987. [More]
- R. Sundar, S. Raman and B. Yegnanarayana, "Studies on speech recognition of Hindi stop consonants", 1987. [More]
- P. Eswar, S. K. Gupta, C. Chandra Sekhar, B. Yegnanarayana and K. Nagamma Reddy, "An acoustic-phonetic expert for analysis and processing of continuous speech in Hindi", 1987. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Signal processing through group delay functions", 1986. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and S. Tanveer Fathima, "An algorithm for bandlimited signal interpolation", 1986. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, S. Ramana and R. Sundar, "Signal dependent analysis for speech recognition", 1986. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and S. S. Agrawal, "Status of speech research in India", 1985. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, J. Sreekanth and A. Rangarajan, "Waveform estimation using group delay processing", 1985. [More]
- A. S. Ananth, D. G. Childers and B. Yegnanarayana, "Measuring source-tract interaction from speech", 1985. [More]
- D. G. Childers, B. Yegnanarayana and Ke Wu, "Voice conversion factors responsible for quality", 1985. [More]
- Joy A. Thomas, B. Yegnanarayana, Raghuram Karinti and V. Venkateswar, "Processing of noisy speech using group delay functions", 1985. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Sarat Chandran and Anant Agarwal, "On improvement of performance of isolated word recognition for degraded speech", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, Joy A. Thomas, Raghuram Karinthi and Rajesh Gupta, "New methods of processing noisy speech", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Aravind Raghunathan, "Image processing in the phase domain", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and T. Sreekumar, "Signal-dependent matching for isolated word speech recognition systems", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, D. Saikia and T. Krishnan, "Significance of group delay functions in signal reconstruction from spectral magnitude or phase", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Representation and processing of signals in the group delay domain", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and Sarat Chandran, "Performance of isolated word recognition system for degraded speech", 1984. [More]
- S. Raman and B. Yegnanarayana, "Isolated word speech recognition system for confusable vocabulary", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, J. Sreekanth and Anand Rangarajan, "Group delay processing of signals", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Significance of group delay functions in signal processing", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, J. M. Naik and D. G. Childers, "Voice simulation: factors affecting quality and naturalness", 1984. [More]
- S. Raman, B. Yegnanarayana, R. Sundar and V. V. Chandrashekaran, "Knowledge-based signal processing for recognition of Hindi stop consonants", 1984. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and A. Dhayalan, "Noniterative technique for minimum phase signal reconstruction from phase or magnitude", 1983. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, T. Sreekumar and S. Raman, "Signal dependent matching for speech recognition", 1983. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, G. Subramani and S. Raman, "Signal to symbol transformation for isolated word speech recognition systems", 1983. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Representation of signals through group delay functions", 1983. [More]
- A. Waibel and B. Yegnanarayana, "Comparative study of nonlinear time warping techniques in isolated word speech recognition systems", 1983. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Design of recursive group-delay filters by autoregressive modeling", 1982. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Design of ARMA digital filters by pole-zero decomposition", 1981. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Pole-zero representation of cepstrally smoothed speech spectra", 1981. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Speech analysis by pole-zero decomposition of short-time spectra", 1981. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "New methods of design of digital filters", 1981. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Pole-zero decomposition: A new technique for design of digital filters", 1980. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Pole-zero decomposition - A new technique for speech analysis", 1980. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Focus of attention on problems in speech recognition", 1980. [More]
- T. Ananthapadmanabha and B. Yegnanarayana, "Epoch extraction from linear prediction residual for identification of closed glottis interval", 1979. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Speech analysis by pole-zero decomposition, ASA-50, Speech Communication Preprint Experiment", 1979. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and D. Reddy, "A distance measure based on the derivative of linear prediction phase spectrum", 1979. [More]
- T. Ananthapadmanabha and B. Yegnanarayana, "Epoch extraction from linear prediction residual", 1978. [More]
- V. V. S. Sarma, B. Yegnanarayana and T. V. Ananthapadmanabha, "A speaker recognition scheme on a minicomputer based on a signal processing facility", 1978. [More]
- T. Raja and B. Yegnanarayana, "Nearest neighbour decision rule for vowel and digit recognition", 1978. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Formant extraction from linear prediction phase spectra", 1978. [More]
- V. V. S. Sarma and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speech recognition in speech research", 1977. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, V. Sarma and D. Venugopal, "Studies on speaker recognition using a Fourier analyzer system", 1977. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and T. Raja, "Performance of linear prediction analysis on speech with additive noise", 1977. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and V. V. S. Sarma, "Speaker recognition from spoken digits", 1977. [More]
- T. Ananthapadmanabha and B. Yegnanarayana, "Zero-phase inverse filtering for extraction of source characteristics", 1977. [More]
- T. V. Ananthapadmanabha and B. Yegnanarayana, "A decomposition technique for composite signals", 1976. [More]
- T. V. Ananthapadmanabha and B. Yegnanarayana, "Epoch extraction of composite signals", 1976. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, V. V. S. Sarma and D. Narayana Dutt, "Speech signal processing for man-machine communications", 1976. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and T. V. Ananthapadmanabha, "Speech signal processing techniques for study of voice disorder", 1976. [More]
- V. Sarma and B. Yegnanarayana, "Cascade realization of digital inverse filter for extracting speaker dependent features", 1976. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Effect of noise and distortion in speech on parametric extraction", 1976. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and B. S. Ramakrishna, "Intelligibility of speech under nonexponential decay conditions", 1975. [More]
- T. Ananthapadmanabha and B. Yegnanarayana, "Epoch extraction of voiced speech", 1975. [More]
- V. V. S. Sarma and B. Yegnanarayana, "A critical survey of automatic speaker recognition systems", 1975. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Wave analysis of sound decay in rectangular rooms", 1974. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and B. S. Ramakrishna, "Diffusion of decaying sound field in a reverberation room with a highly absorbing sample", 1974. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and A. R. K. Sastry, "Computation of the capacity of a burst noise binary symmetric channel", 1973. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana, "Design and construction of the anechoic chamber at the Indian Institute of Science", 1973. [More]
- B. Yegnanarayana and C. G. Balachandran, "Studies in a reverberation room with highly absorbing sample", 1972. [More]