Speech and Vision Lab

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Sri Rama Murty K.

Research Associate (2007-2009) Sri Rama Murty K.
Speech and Vision Lab, IIIT Hyderabad, Gachibowli
Hyderabad - 500032
Andhra Pradesh
Telephone: +91-40-6653-1422
Email: ksrm@iith.ac.in
Personal page: http://speech.iiit.ac.in/~ksrmurty

Recent Publications:
  1. Anand Joseph Xavier M., Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural Network Mapping of Throat Microphone Speech for Low-Bitrate Coding", 2009. [More]
  2. B. Yegnanarayana, R. Kumara Swamy and Sri Rama Murty K, "Determining Mixing Parameters From Multispeaker Data Using Speech-Specific Information", 2009. [More] [Digital]
  3. B. Yegnanarayana and Sri Rama Murty K, "Event-Based Instantaneous Fundamental Frequency Estimation From Speech Signals", 2009. [More] [Digital]
  4. Sudheer K., Sri Harish Reddy M., Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Analysis of laugh signals for detecting in continuous speech", 2009. [More] [Digital]
  5. Sri Rama Murty K., B. Yegnanarayana and Anand Joseph Xavier M, "Characterization of Glottal Activity From Speech Signals", 2009. [More] [Digital]
  6. Sri Rama Murty K, "Significance of excitation source information for speech analysis", 2009. [More] [Digital]
  7. Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Event-based interpretation of HMM state sequences for speech analysis", 2008. [More] [Digital]
  8. Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Epoch Extraction From Speech Signals", 2008. [More] [Digital]
  9. B. Yegnanarayana, Sri Rama Murty K. and S. Rajendran, "Analysis of stop consonants in Indian languages using excitation source information in speech signal", 2008. [More] [Digital]
  10. Sri Rama Murty K., Saurav Khurana, Yogendra Umesh Itankar and B. Yegnanarayana, "Efficient representation of throat microphone speech", 2008. [More] [Digital]
  11. Sri Rama Murty K., B. Yegnanarayana and Guruprasad S, "Voice activity detection in degraded speech using excitation source information", 2007. [More] [Digital]
  12. Guruprasad S., B. Yegnanarayana and Sri Rama Murty K, "Detection of instants of glottal closure using characteristics of excitation source", 2007. [More] [Digital]
  13. R. Kumara Swamy, Sri Rama Murty K. and B. Yegnanarayana, "Determining number of speakers from multispeaker speech signals using excitation source information", 2007. [More] [Digital]
  14. Sri Rama Murty K., S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural Network Models for Extracting Complementary Speaker-Specific Information from Residual Phase", 2005. [More] [Digital]
  15. Sri Rama Murty K., S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Speaker-specific information from residual phase", 2004. [More] [Digital]
  16. Leena Mary, Sri Rama Murty K., S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Features for speaker and language identification", 2004. [More]
  17. Leena Mary, Sri Rama Murty K., S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna and B. Yegnanarayana, "Neural network models for capturing duration and intonation knowledge for language and speaker identification", 2004. [More]
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