Speech and Vision Lab

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Vowel Based Non- Uniform Prosody Modification for Emotion Conversion
Research Area: Speech Synthesis Year: 2016
Type of Publication: Article  
Authors: Harikrishna, Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri, Anil kumar Vuppala  
The objective of this work is to develop a rule-based emotion conversion method for a better emotional perception. In this work, performance of emotion conversion using the linear modification model is improved by using vowel-based non-uniform prosody modification. In the present approach, attempts were made to integrate features like position and identity for addressing the non-uniformity in prosody generated due to the emotional state of the speaker. We mainly concentrate on the parameters such as strength, duration and pitch contour of vowels at different parts of the sentence. The influence of emotions on the above parameters is exploited to convert the speech from neutral emotion to the target emotion. Non-uniform prosody modification factors for emotion conversion are based on the position of vowels in the word, and the position of the word in the sentence. This study is carried out by using Indian Institute of Technology-Simulated Emotion speech corpus. Evaluation of the proposed algorithm is carried out by a subjective listening test. From the listening tests, it is observed that the performance of the proposed approach is better than the existing approaches.

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