SLFI group

Spoken Language Forensics & Informatics (SLFI) group

Speech Lab, LTRC, IIIT-Hyderabad

Our project grants

Where and what went wrong? Non-native spoken error analysis under resource-constrained conditions (click here for details)

Funding agency: Seed Grant, IIIT Hyderabad

Automatic spoken data validation for human-computer interaction (HCI) under Indian context
(click here for details)

Funding agency: IHub-Data, IIIT Hyderabad

Label Unaware Speech Intelligibility Detection and Diagnosis under Spontaneous Speech
(click here for details)

Funding agency: IHub-Data, IIIT Hyderabad

Unsupervised approach for spoken grammatical error detection and correction under spontaneous conditions in the Indian context
(click here for details)

Funding agency: IHub Anubhuti, IIIT Delhi;

Our honours and awards

Prof D J Badkas Medal 2019-20 (for the best performance in PhD) (click here for the details)

Awardee: Chiranjeevi Yarra; Awarded by: IISc Bangalore

Kohli Research PhD Fellowship 2021 (click here for the details)

Awardee: Jhansi Mallela; Awarded by: IIIT Hyderabad

IHub-Data Master's Fellowship 2021 (click here for the details)

Awardee: Nayan Anand; Awarded by: IHub-Data, IIIT Hyderabad

IHub-Data PhD Fellowship 2023 (click here for the details)

Awardee: Meenakshi Sirigiraju; Awarded by: IHub-Data, IIIT Hyderabad

IHub Anubhuti-IIITD Foundation CHANAKYA Fellowship 2024 (click here for the details)

Awardee: Chowdam Venkata Thirumala Kumar; Awarded by: IHub Anubhuti, IIIT Delhi

Our talks and presentations

Invited talk on "Emerging Trends on Machine Learning & Signal Processing" at School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar

Title: Machine learning for speech signal analysis; Presenter: Chiranjeevi Yarra