SLFI group

Spoken Language Forensics & Informatics (SLFI) group

Speech Lab, LTRC, IIIT-Hyderabad

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Informatics for language learning
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Informatics for pronunciation tutoring
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Informatics for pronunciation tutoring
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We learn representations for informatics and their applicatioins
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Our work is beyond voice assistants
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We use knowledge from Speech analysis, NLP and Educational practice
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Our work targets to reach the society
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via cloud computation
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Illustrative screenshots from our developed interface - voisTUTOR

Our group updates..

  • June 2024: Jhansi and Harshitha received ISCA travel grant to present their papers in Interspeech 2024.

  • June 2024: Snehal completed his MS defense.

  • June 2024: Nayan completed his MS defense.

  • June 2024: Three papers accepted in Interspeech 2024.

  • April 2024: Kumar has received IHub Anubhuti-IIITD Foundation CHANAKYA fellowship 2024 for his master's studies.

  • March 2024: Jhansi, Meenakshi, Nayan, Kumar, Anindita, Shubhankar, Harshitha and Ajay presented in R&D Showcase 24 at IIIT Hyderabad.

  • Feb 2024: Jhansi attended NCC 2024 and presented her paper titled 'Exploring the Use of Self-Supervised Representations for Automatic Syllable Stress Detection'.

  • Jan 2024: Jhansi and Kumar attended Research Week with Google 2024 Workshop.

  • Dec 2023: Nayan and Meenakshi received the Best Paper Award at O-COCOSDA 2023 for presenting the paper titled 'IIITH MM2 Speech-Text: A preliminary dataset for automatic spoken data validation with matched and mismatched speech-text'.

  • Dec 2023: One paper accepted in NCC 2024.

  • Dec 2023: Nayan attended INDICON 2023 and presented his paper titled 'Unsupervised pronunciation assessment analysis using utterance level alignment distance with self-supervised representations'.

  • Dec 2023: Nayan attended O-COCOSDA 2023 virtually and presented his paper titled 'IIITH MM2 Speech-Text: A preliminary data for automatic spoken data validation with matched and mismatched speech-text'.

  • Nov 2023: Snehal attended SPECOM 2023 and presented his paper titled 'Analysis of Natural Language Understanding Systems with L2 learner specific synthetic grammatical errors based on Parts-of-Speech'.

  • Nov 2023: Jhansi attended SPECOM 2023 and presented her paper titled 'A Comparison of Learned Representations with Jointly Optimized VAE and DNN for Syllable Stress Detection'.

  • Oct 2023: One paper accepted in COCOSDA 2023.

  • Oct 2023: One paper accepted in INDICON 2023.

  • Sep 2023: Three papers accepted in SPECOM 2023.

  • Aug 2023: Meenakshi has received IHub-Data PhD fellowship 2023 for her doctoral research.

  • July 2023: Kumar joined our group for MS.

  • July 2023: Ajay joined our group for BTech honours project.

  • July 2023: Jhansi selected for an internship at Samsung RnD, Bangalore.

  • June 2023: One paper accepted in SLATE 2023.

  • June 2023: Manognya joined our group for BTech honours project.

  • May 2023: One paper accepted in Interspeech 2023.

  • Mar 2023: As part of college research affiliate Program, Jhansi presented research works to the students of KIET College-Kakinada.

  • Jan 2023: Jhansi, Nayan, Meenakshi, Manoj and Arshini presented in RnD Showcase at IIIT Hyderabad.

  • Jan 2023: Lokesh joined our group for a research internship.

  • Jan 2023: Jhansi got selected for Research Week with Google 2023 Workshop.

  • Jan 2023: Zishan joined our group for MS (Dual).

  • Aug 2022: Yugesh joined our group for a research internship.

  • Aug 2022: As part of college research affiliate Program, Nayan, Jhansi & Meenakshi presented research works to the students of Narayanamma College-Hyderabad.

  • Jul 2022: Meenakshi joined our group for PhD.

  • Jul 2022: Manoj joined our group for MS (Dual).

  • Jul 2022: Jhansi and Snehal guided few group projects in IASNLP 2022.

  • Jul 2022: Chiranjeevi gave talks in IASNLP 2022.

  • Jun 2022: Shubhakankar gave talk "Introduction to linguistics" in IASNLP 2022.

  • Jun 2022: Arshini, Ayyapppa and Karthikeya joined our group for Btech honors project.

  • May 2022: One paper accepted in MICCAI 2022.

  • May 2022: Subhankar joined our group for MS (Dual).

  • Apr 2022: Aaryan represnted college cricket team in intercollege cricket tournament.

  • Apr 2022: Aaryan received man of the tournament in interhouse cricket competition at IIIT Hyderabad.

  • Mar 2022: Meenakshi joined our group for a research internship.

  • Mar 2022: Jhansi, Nayan and Prashanth presented in R & D Showcase at IIIT Hyderabad.

  • Feb 2022: Chiranjeevi gave an invited talk "Hey, how I was spoken?: Leveraging ASR for spoken language forensics" in the workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition conducted by NIT, Arunachal Pradesh.

  • Feb 2022: One paper accepted in Elsevier Speech Communication Journal.

  • Dec 2021: Satvik joined our group for a research internship.

  • Nov 2021: One paper accepted in ICON 2021.

  • Oct 2021: Chiranjeevi has been awarded with "Prof D J Badkas Medal" for the best performance in PhD from IISc Bangalore.

  • Sep 2021: One paper accepted in Oriental COCOSDA 2021.

  • Aug 2021: Nayan has received IHub-Data Master's Fellowship 2021 for his master's studies.

  • Aug 2021: Jhansi has received prestigious "Kohli Research Fellowship" for her doctoral research.

  • Aug 2021: Jhansi and Nayan joined our group for PhD and MS respectively.

  • May 2021: Chiranjeevi gave the talk on "Challenge paper details" at MUCS 2021.

  • Jul 2021: Naman joined our group for a research interhship.

  • Jun 2021: Chiranjeevi gave invited talk on “Emerging Trends on Machine Learning & Signal Processing” at School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.

  • Jun 2021: Divyansh joined our group for a research intership.

  • Jun 2021: Two papers have accepted in Interspeech 2021.

  • May 2021: Prakul joined in our group for a research internship.

  • May 2021: One paper has accepted in Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (CSSP) journal.

  • May 2021: One paper has accepted in NCC 2021.

  • May 2021: Prasanth and Sai joined our group for BTech honours project.

  • May 2021: Aaryan and Snehal joined our group for MS(dual).

  • May 2021: Jasmine and Ratnesh joined our group for a research internship.

  • Jan 2021: Chiranjeevi joined shared task committee of "MUCS 2021: MUltilingual and Code-Switching ASR Challenges for Low Resource Indian Languages".

  • Dec 2020: Chiranjeevi joined IIIT-H.

Seeking to be inspired, envision the socially impactful and work hard for things worth it, you can join our group

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Our group @ IIITH

@Research Interns

@Research Interns

Last updated: 09-07-2024